Oyster Babies Early Childhood Centers requires specific forms to be completed & submitted to the Office in order for your child to participate in our programs
Application for Admissions
This form is the first step in the application and enrollment process.
Enrollment Statement
Child’s information, weekly schedule, meal plan, and payment structure.
You've read our policies and agree to abide by them.
Sleep Consent Form
Grants permission for your child to sleep on a crib, cot, or mat.
Health Screening One-Time Attestation Form
Each employee, volunteer, parent, child, & essential visitor must fill out, sign, & submit this form to the Office before entering the program.
Medication Consent Form
This form must be filled out and stamped by your child's doctor, then submitted prior to the first day of attendance and every year from date of enrollment. No child may attend without a complete and up-to-date statement.
Non-Medication Consent Form
This form must be filled out and submitted for all non-medication items and
topical ointment, such as diaper ointment & sunscreen, prior to administering non-medication on-site.
This form must be filled out and stamped by your child's doctor, then submitted prior to the first day of attendance and every year from date of enrollment. No child may attend without a complete and up-t0-date statement.
MyProcare Account Portal Login Information
Find out how to access account information & make payments online using MyProcare.
Complete and submit this Tuition Express form to the Office to schedule payments using a bank account or credit card.
General Permission Slip
Oyster Babies will attempt to get specific permission for field trips, but in the absence of such specific permission, this consent will apply.
Online Resources & Community
Information about online opportunities for Oyster Babies parents & caregivers to interact with the Centers and each other.
Individual Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan
This form is to be completed for any child with a known allergy.
Peanut/Nut-Free Environment
This form is to be completed by all families to ensure knowledge & compliance.
Pet Addendum
Oyster Babies enjoys caring for several classroom pets throughout the Center. All pets are healthy & have required vaccinations for their breed. Please complete this permission form & inform us of any allergies.